Work position and cooperation
We are currently looking
Tvůrce obsahu - fotograf & video maker
Hledáme kvalitního partnera na tvorbu obsahu a vizuální sjednocení výstupů naší značky.
Co budete mít na starosti?
- Přípravu konceptů a ART dohled nad vizuální podobou celé značky na základě komunikačního a obsahového plánu
- Vlastní focení/natáčení obsahu pro web, SoMe a další potřeby značky
- Produkční činnost - výběr modelů, lokací, rekvizit a celkové odbavení akce s pomocí ostatních členů týmu
- Postprodukční činnost - střihání videí, tvorbu reklam atp.
Co nabízíme?
- Dynamickou, kreativní externí spolupráci
- Působnost v Praze a okolí (Kancelář Myslíkova ulice, Praha 2)
- Práci v malém dynamickém kolektivu, který má chuť a drive budovat z ELKA LOUNGE celosvětově úspěšný brand
Co byste měl/a splňovat?
- Velkou vlastní orientaci na módu a non-mainstreamové značky
- Výborné fotografické a videoprodukční zkušenosti
- Orientaci na sociální sítě, sledování trendů a chuť mluvit do tvorby za účelem dosahování výkonnostních výsledků (dosahy na sociálních sítí, engagement, trendseeking)
Zaujali jsme vás? Skvělé. Zašlete nám svůj profil na a my se vám co nejdříve ozveme.
Místo práce: Myslíkova 12, Praha 2 (kanceláře značky)
Start: ihned, případně v nejbližších měsících
Úvazek: Remote, IČO - Rámcová smlouva o spolupráci, PartTime pracovní smlouva, případně dále dle domluvy
B2B manager - sales representative
Do you enjoy fashion & home decor? Do you want to work for a brand with quality and ethical characteristics as well as global ambitions?
We are looking for cooperating partners for establishing business relations with specific segments such as hotels, wellness centers, architectural offices, development projects, cooperation with other brands, quality clothing for staff or other interesting opportunities for B2B development of our brand. This position is intended for both in-house and external cooperation, for example for existing agents, sales representatives, distributors and intermediaries as another brand in their portfolio or a segment where you can develop further.
What will you be in charge of?
- Development of our business to B2B customers - for example bed linen for boutique hotels/glamping,..., sustainable clothing for staff of interesting companies, cooperation with wellness centers, developers, architects, etc.
- It may also include establishing partnerships with other brands, entities, concept stories and the general search for business opportunities for the brand
- The goal is to create a B2B network of partners alongside the brand's B2C communication line
What we offer
- External cooperation at the ID number, or reduced working hours, in the case of meeting goals, we are not opposed to practically any form of cooperation
- Area of operation in Prague for regular meetings with a preponderance of remote collaboration
- Adequate financial compensation
- Work for an ethical fashion and home decor brand
What we think you should meet:
- Experience in the position of sales representative, agent ideally in the environment of fashion, accessories, designer furniture, hotel industry,... (or experience in the field of purchasing, where you will know the position and assumptions from the other side)
- Communicativeness, drive and positive attitude
- Organizational skills
- Driving license
- Feeling for fashion & design, following trends
- English language for possible foreign activities, which we also welcome
Did we interest you? Let's meet. Send us your resumes or short introductions to
Place of work: Myslíkova 12, Prague 2 / remote collaboration
Start: immediately or in the coming months
Communication and content marketer
Do you love beautiful design and quality brands? Are you close to finding the more interesting ones than the mainstream ones? And are you convinced that you know exactly what the marketing of such a brand should look like? Great. Come with us to create one such and move us further.
What will you be in charge of?
- Strategic and effective management of communication and content campaigns to increase brand awareness - dealing with influencers, ambassadors, partner brands, media and others
- Community marketing - blog, mailing, SMS and other MKT tools for quality communication with customers
- PR management - preparation of documents for a PR specialist, communication planning, evaluation
- Marketing planning with regard to seasons, sales results and events within the company
- Gradual launch of foreign MKT activities
- In a nutshell, you will complement our team focused on ART and Performance with a higher focus on communication strengthening of the brand, both towards new and existing audiences
What we offer?
- Dynamic, creative full-time cooperation - for experienced applicants, remote cooperation is also possible
- Operations in and around Prague (Myslíkova street office, Prague 2)
- Flexible working hours and the possibility of HO including extensive field work
- Work in a small but very dynamic team that has the desire and drive to build ELKA LOUNGE into a globally successful brand
- Support for participation in various trainings, events and networking events
What should you fulfill?
- Feeling for aesthetics and fashion
- High-quality copy capabilities according to the tonality of the brand and simple visual adjustments - dimensions, wording of advertisements, etc. e.g. in Canva
- Maximum focus on achieving numbers on a daily basis (reach, attendance, engagement)
- Energetic and at the same time careful, coordination skills
- The art of prioritizing, delegating, but at the same time rolling up your sleeves for everything that is needed
- Experience in a similar position in a fashion or design-sensitive company is an advantage (or experience from agencies)
- English at a good level (for official outputs of cooperation with a native speaker)
Did we interest you? Great. Send us your CV to and we will get back to you as soon as possible.
Place of work: Myslíkova 12, Prague 2 (brand offices) / Dobříš (office with other offices) / remote collaboration - home office
Start: immediately, possibly in the coming months
Employment: Fulltime / Remote, ID number, Contract, Hybrid forms of cooperation
Contact us
Reactions to job positions, including the attached CV, should be sent exclusively to the email: